Monday 21 June 2010

Kennedy Space Centre

Kennedy space station folk’s was awesome, loads of cool things and gadgets, $38 dollars a person, that was the cheapest ticket oh don’t forget the tax. It’s killing me the tax thing everywhere we go different state different tax it sux.

Enough moaning it was worth the $$$$$, about the centre, they have got a simulator oh and that’s was awesome, everything the astronauts feel you feel and the simulator goes vertical hold on it’s a gripping ride, after that we climbed aboard a Kennedy shuttle which took us to three different locations.

Location 1 was the LC -39 observation gantry great view of the launch pads A and B. location 2 Apollo/Saturn V centre has a 363 foot moon rocket some big toys and a firing room replica that demonstrates lift off, way cool and very realistic. Location 3 international space station centre, a small glimpse into the making of some of the components for the shuttles men in white and blue 1 piece suites.

And finally an IMAX 3D movie of the Hubble telescope, first 3D for me and it was great, you really do feel part of the mission. Left KSC and headed for the beach Cocoa beach, bit of a drive from centre about 40 min but well worth it feeling the sand between the feet and smell of the ocean and the feel of the water as it laps over your feet ok not my feet but Ali’s.

Until the next instalment folks


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