Thursday 10 June 2010

Washington DC

Thursday, 10th June
Happy Birthday Haze. We will be thinking of you on your special day
After a good breakfast we checked out and went into town via the shuttle service.  Walked to the Greyhound station and for the first time experienced the proper weight of my backpack :o). Got our tickets and sat waiting for our bus, met a friendly American guy who told us about his European holidays.  Then our bus pulled in and lets just say it was not one of the plush ones advertised on Greyhound's website but was rather along the lines of an old school bus.  So on we got at 12.30pm and waved goodbye to Washington DC.  A great city full of guessed it Museum's.

Wednesday, 9th June
Not much to update you on as we spent the day at the hotel, watched TV, did some washing.  Caught up on emails and skyped some friends.  It rained today - first time since we have arrived.

Tuesday, 8th June
Caught the shuttle service into town and visited the Air and Space Museum.  We returned to the Natural History Museum for me to see the Hope Diamond (recall the necklace in Titanic).  We wanted to watch a movie but unfortunately did not make it there in time.  Walked around the shops in Union Station and caught the shuttle back to the hotel.  Enjoyed a swim, followed by an ice coffee and TV.  A good day all in all.

Monday, 7th June
We checked out of the hotel though kept our bags there while we walked into town.  We visited The American Indian Museum as well as a Botanical Garden, which was stunning.  We walked to Hooters for a much deserved lunch :o)  Moved onto Capitol Hill (this was our view from our room at Capitol Skyline).
Returned to the hotel early afternoon and caught a taxi to Days Inn, where we are booked in for the next three nights.  It is much further out so we were relieved to see that they offer a shuttle service to Union Station every morning and afternoon.   We have a Dunkin Donuts downstairs which sells amazing ice coffee's (think I have found a new addiction).  Night all.

Sunday, 6th June
We started the day with a full breakfast, followed by a walk into town where we visited the Natural History Museum, The History of America Museum, saw the Washington Monument, World War II memorial, Lincoln Memorial, The White House (rather dissappointing), The Holocast Museum (Excellent) etc.  After all the walking we spent the evening chilling and looking into the next leg of our trip.

Saturday, 5th June
After catching a taxi to the hotel (Capitol Skyline) and checking in we enjoyed a swim in the hot weather.  Caught up with emails etc then headed to MacDonalds for dinner (I know!!).  Turned in for an early night.

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